1 Background on catSurv.com

1.1 What is catSurv.com?

catSurv.com is a webservice, based on the OpenCPU system, that hosts a stable and quick version of our catSurv R package.

1.2 Why host catSurv online?

We host catSurv online so that any web-enabled survey software can query our server in order to administer an adaptive inventory (see our published work using computerized adaptive testing in political science here and here).

1.3 How do you interface with catSurv.com when using survey software?

It depends. In theory, anyone well-versed in web development should be able to fully integrate catSurv operations into the operations of a given survey software. But because most researchers are not trained in web development, we’ve worked out how to interface with catSurv.com when using the Qualtrics survey software.

We provide the basic procedure and all necessary JavaScript needed to fully implement an addaptive inventory within a Qualtrics survey project.

1.4 How can I ask a question about catSurv?

We’ve created a catSurv Google Group forum to ask questions—to us and to the computerized adaptive testing community—relating to all things catSurv and adaptive survey implementation. We encourage you to post questions or problems that arise when implementing your adaptive inventory to the Google Group, but we ask you to please report any catSurv software bugs as a GitHub issue.

2 Interfacing with catSurv.com from Qualtrics

2.1 Getting started with catSurv

First, you’ll need to do some work in R using catSurv to set up your adaptive inventory. Make sure the latest version of catSurv (v1.2.0) is installed and loaded into R.


In what follows, we assume some working knowledge about the catSurv package. See our package documentation and the supplementary materials of our paper for detailed explanations and examples of the catSurv software and its functionality. Here, we’ll simply go over a few important steps necessary to interface with catSurv.com with your own adaptive inventory.

2.2 Example data and Cat object

For this example, we use the 20-item agreeableness battery from the 100-item IPIP representation of Costa and McCrae’s Five Factor Model. We’ve fit a graded response model (GRM) with 774,410 response profiles collected by the myPersonality Project and 1500 response profiles collected by YouGov in July 2018 for the full 20-item battery. See ?grmCat for more information about item parameter estimation. Our goal is to administer a 4-item adaptive inventory.

While we cannot share all of this raw sample data, the estimated item parameters for the model are stored in a Cat object available in the catSurv package. In addition to item parameter estimates, the Cat object stores all research-chosen features of the adaptive algorithm such as the statistical routine for item selection. In sum, the Cat object needs to contain all information governing and used by the adaptive algorithm. We have chosen defaults for all options catSurv makes available to the researcher, but researchers may want to customize their algorithm. See ?'Cat-class' for a detailed description of all of the customizable features stored in the Cat object.

This Cat object can be loaded into your R environment with the data() function. See ?agree_cat for more details about this battery and item parameter estimation.

agree_cat@discrimination # GRM discrimination parameters
##        q86         q6        q66        q46        q36        q26        q56 
##  1.3963428  1.3325832  1.8201505  1.2308572  0.9626278  1.2288147  1.1692755 
##        q76        q13        q96        q82         q9        q22        q32 
##  1.2768165  0.8477620  1.3225958 -0.9240555 -1.6871667 -0.9958325 -1.2405438 
##        q92        q42        q52        q62         q2        q72 
## -1.7112276 -0.9724382 -1.0603658 -1.0066092 -1.0676238 -0.9820362
agree_cat@selection # minimum expected posterior variance item selection
## [1] "EPV"

2.3 Basic procedure from Qualtrics

With Cat object in hand, you now need to set up your Qualtrics survey. The following six steps outline the basic procedure. We discuss each step in detail below.

  1. Hidden data—Add question wordings and response options for the full battery to Qualtrics as “hidden data” in the “header” for the survey. This allows Qualtrics to access this data while hiding it from respondents.
  2. Qualtrics question—Set up, in a very specific way, a Qualtrics question that includes code we have written to interface cleanly with the Qualtrics survey software.
  3. Cat object—Add the actual Cat object into the Qualtrics survey as “embedded data.”
  4. Test your adaptive battery—Testing should include many trial answer profiles, ensure the survey flow appears correctly to respondents, and downloading the resulting data to ensure the answer profiles are retrievable.
  5. Run the survey!—If tests come back clean, administer the Qualtrics survey.
  6. Obtain results—Use the readQualtrics function in catSurv to clean and obtain the answer profiles.

2.4 Battery items as hidden data

The first step is to set up “hidden data” in Qualtrics which holds all question wordings and response options for your full battery. To do so, first navigate to your institution’s or your personal instance of the Qualtrics software. You can add an adaptive inventory to either a new survey or an existing project. We recommend starting with a new survey, ensuring the adaptive inventory works smoothly, and then building additional survey features around the adaptive battery. We create a new survey called “Agreeableness CAT” for this example. To set up your battery items as hidden data, you’ll need to define a custom header. To do so, click the “Look and Feel” button which is located on Qualtrics webpage toolbar when you are on the “Survey” tab.

A new window should appear. Within it, navigate to the “General” tab. Click the “Edit” button just below the “Header” label.

The text editor toolbar has a “Source” button. Click it and all other text editing features should be made unavailable.

In this “Source” editor, you’ll specify question wordings and response options for your battery’s question items as a custom header. The following script is an abbreviated version of the Java code needed to implement the agreeableness battery. The script for the full 20-item battery is available here.

var qtext = {
    1: {
        "text": "Have a good word for everyone.",
        "responses": {
            1: "Very inaccurate",
            2: "Moderately inaccurate",
            3: "Neither inaccurate nor accurate",
            4: "Moderately accurate",
            5: "Very accurate",
    2: {
        "text": "Believe that others have good intentions.",
        "responses": {
            1: "Very inaccurate",
            2: "Moderately inaccurate",
            3: "Neither inaccurate nor accurate",
            4: "Moderately accurate",
            5: "Very accurate",
    20: {
        "text": "Am out for my own personal gain.",
        "responses": {
            1: "Very inaccurate",
            2: "Moderately inaccurate",
            3: "Neither inaccurate nor accurate",
            4: "Moderately accurate",
            5: "Very accurate",

var potentials = null;
function setPotentials(pots) {
    potentials = pots
function getPotentials() {
    return potentials;

You’ll obviously need to edit this script with your own battery items and response options. There are two critical points to note when editing this script for your survey:

  1. The order of the questions here needs to match the order of the question items as stored in the Cat object (we will return to how to incorporate the Cat object shortly).
  2. Only edit the question and response option wordings with your survey items—everything else should be copy and pasted verbatim.
    • If you have a different number of response options, simply add or subtract a line to “responses.”
    • Make sure the response options are numbered “1” through the maximum number of response options for that question.

After specifying the question and response option wordings, click “Save” in the header window and “Save” in the Look and Feel window behind it.

2.5 Creating the Adaptive Question

The first step is done! Now, you’ll need to create a Qualtrics question. All items administered from an adaptive battery via Qualtrics will utilize the same Qualtrics question. Since you just specified the question and response option wordings elsewhere as hidden data, a single Qualtrics question will be modified dynamically using that information as the participant takes the survey. Esentially, we’ll creating the structure of the questions to be asked, and the appropriate question wording and response options will be populated in real-time.

This question needs to be a multiple choice question with the number of options equal to the maximum number of response options possible across all items in your battery. It does not matter if the options are vertically or horizontally oriented, but vertical listings are more accessible on mobile devices. We suggest editing the question text and response options with default language that will be visible to respondent’s only while catSurv is loading.

The goal is to have this question repeat and adaptively populate new questions from your battery. To do so, we’ll configure “Loop & Merge”. This feature allows a Qualtrics question to repeat multiple times. Under the “Block Options” menu, which can be found in the top-right corner of the block in which your question resides, select “Loop & Merge” in the third demarcated section of the menu.

Turn Loop & Merge on by clicking the blue button.

You’ll notice that turning on Loop & Merge reveals a grid with multiple rows and columns. You’ll need to edit this grid for your adaptive inventory. Importantly, implementing an adaptive battery on Qualtrics requires the researcher to use a survey length stopping rule. In this example, all respondents will answer four items from the agreeableness battery. This length stopping rule is indicated by the number of rows in this grid. Add or remove rows until the number of rows equals the length stopping rule for the adaptive battery as indicated in the lengthThreshold slot of the Cat object.

To add rows, just click once in the last row’s box. To remove a row, click the “-” button next to it. In our example, we must remove one row by clicking the “-” symbol next to row five. Then, remove all columns but the first using the red “-” button. Click “Save” to exit.

As we mentioned, this Qualtrics question needs to be set up in a very specific manner. Next, we’ll use custom JavaScript to enable this question to interface with catSurv via catSurv.com. First we need to navigate to the question’s JavaScript editor. To do so, click the gear symbol beside the question.

You should then see a menu of options. Click the “Add JavaScript” option.

The JavaScript editor should open as a new window. There will already be some JavaScript in the editor. Delete all of it, and replace it with the code we’ve provided here. Click “Save” and exit the editor.

2.6 Cat object as embedded data

Now that the adaptive question is configured, the final step before testing your survey is to set up our embedded data objects. Embedded data enables survey developers to store data that persists between questions. We use embedded data to we store the Cat object that updates with the respondent’s answers as they take the adaptive battery. Click “Survey Flow” in the survey toolbar.

Find any item in the flow and click “Add a New Element Here” or “Add Below”.

Next we’ll add three pieced of embedded data. In the new survey flow element, click “Embedded Data”.

Then, add the following field-value pairs:

Field Value
next_item -1
last_item -1
last_answer -1

To do so, click “Add a New Field” to type in a field name, then click “Set a Value Now” to set the value as -1.

In addition to these three entries, we also store the Cat object as embedded data. After creating the Cat object, convert it to a JSON representation using the toJSONCat() function. As mentioned above, specify all slots in the Cat object that inform the adaptive algorithm (e.g., the @selection slot indicates the adaptive inventory’s item selection routine) before converting it to a JSON string. Double check that the lengthThreshold slot is specified with the desired length stopping rule (here, 4) and that the @answers slot has only null values.

setLengthThreshold(agree_cat) <- 4

Then, create a new embedded data object. The field name should be catObj, and the associated value is the JSON string returned from the toJSONCat() function.

Before leaving the survey flow, ensure that the adaptive inventory block (called “Default Question Block” in this example) appears after all of these embedded data objects. We recommend moving the embedded data item so it appears first in the survey flow. You can do this by clicking “Move” in any survey flow item.

Lastly, make sure at least one Qualtrics survey block follows the adaptive inventory question block. The embedded data will not reflect the respondent’s last answer if the survey exits from the adaptive inventory question block. We include a final message in this example, but you could also include additional survey items.

Now, the adaptive inventory is ready! Test your Qualtrics survey from start to finish (do not preview only the adaptive question) to make sure the adaptive battery is incorporated correctly. We highly recommend taking the survey a multiple times and downloading the data from Qualtrics (which we will discuss next) before building any additional question items or features into your survey.

2.7 Retrieving the data

Finally, you’ll need to make sense of the respondent’s answers to the adaptive inventory. Because different respondents receive different adaptive inventories, their answers to the battery are not stored as usual as separate columns in a dataset. Rather, the respondents’ answers to the adaptive battery are saved as a column of Cat embedded data objects. We’ve built functionality into catSurv to transform the data into a format useful for subsequent analysis.

First, navigate to the “Data & Analysis” tab.

Once there, click “Export & Import” then “Export Data.” We recommend downloading the data as a .csv file.

Then, use the readQualtrics() function in the catSurv package. We demonstrate how to use the readQualtrics() function with example data saved in the catSurv package. You can follow along with this example after read in your .csv file using the read.csv function in R.

The catObj column holds the embedded data Cat object for each respondent. These embedded data objects hold what questions were asked to the respondent and their answers. Because the first two rows of the Qualtrics data contain information about the question items, delete these rows to create a vector holding the embedded data corresponding to each respondent. We similarly create a vector of respondent identifiers.

data(ex_qualtrics_results) # loads example results
cat_vect <- ex_qualtrics_results$catObj[-c(1,2)] # Cat embedded data objects
ids <- ex_qualtrics_results$ResponseId[-c(1,2)] # respondent identifiers

Then, pass the Cat objects and respondent identifiers to the readQualtrics() function which will clean the adaptive inventory responses and return a data frame easier to use in subsequent analyses. Each row of the cleaned data holds a respondent’s answer profile. With the data in this format, it is now simple to use functionality in catSurv to estimate the respondents’ positions on the latent trait using the estimateThetas() function.

clean_df <- readQualtrics(catObj = cat_vect, responseID = ids)
##       q86 q6 q66 q46 q36 q26 q56 q76 q13 q96 q82 q9 q22 q32 q92 q42 q52 q62 q2
## resp1   1 NA   2  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  4  NA  NA   3  NA  NA  NA NA
## resp2  NA  5  NA  NA  NA  NA   5  NA  NA  NA  NA NA  NA  NA   1  NA   1  NA NA
## resp3   3 NA   3  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  3  NA  NA   4  NA  NA  NA NA
## resp4   2  4  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  1  NA  NA  -1  NA  NA  NA NA
##       q72
## resp1  NA
## resp2  NA
## resp3  NA
## resp4  NA
# estimate respondents' positions
estimateThetas(catObj = agree_cat, responses = clean_df)
## [1] -2.01361634  2.77553590 -1.37453394  0.09947545

2.8 Including multiple adaptive inventories

We anticipate many researchers might want to include multiple adaptive inventories on their Qualtrics survey. This example walks through the general procedure for how to do so. Including multiple adapative inventories is a relatively straightforward extention of the procedure outlined above. Here were detail the important ways the procedure differs.

Broadly, including multiple adaptive batteries requires the researcher to repeat the steps outline above for each inventory. The crucial difference is that the JavaScript for each adaptive inventory must be set up to call on the appropriate hidden and embedded data. As we will demonstrate, we recommend doing this by giving the variables in the hidden and embedded data unique names for each adaptive inventory. The trickier task is then editing the JavaScript to call on the appropriate variables. We provide example scripts to facilitate this editing task. We will demonstrate including more than one adaptive battery on a survey using 20 item agreeableness battery (used above) as well as the 20 item neuroticism battery.

The first task, like before, is specifying the text for the question items and response options by defining a custom header. The variable name qtext now must be unique for each battery, here we append an identifier for the battery on the variable name, resulting in the variables qtextAGREE and qtextNEURO. The script here is an abbreviated version of the both batteries. The full script is available here.

var qtextAGREE = {
    1: {
        "text": "Have a good word for everyone.",
        "responses": {
            1: "Very inaccurate",
            2: "Moderately inaccurate",
            3: "Neither inaccurate nor accurate",
            4: "Moderately accurate",
            5: "Very accurate",

    20: {
        "text": "Am out for my own personal gain.",
        "responses": {
            1: "Very inaccurate",
            2: "Moderately inaccurate",
            3: "Neither inaccurate nor accurate",
            4: "Moderately accurate",
            5: "Very accurate",

var qtextNEURO = {
    1: {
        "text": "I often feel blue.",
        "responses": {
            1: "Very inaccurate",
            2: "Moderately inaccurate",
            3: "Neither inaccurate nor accurate",
            4: "Moderately accurate",
            5: "Very accurate",

    20: {
        "text": "I rarely lose my composure.",
        "responses": {
            1: "Very inaccurate",
            2: "Moderately inaccurate",
            3: "Neither inaccurate nor accurate",
            4: "Moderately accurate",
            5: "Very accurate",

var potentials = null;

function setPotentials(pots) {
    potentials = pots

function getPotentials() {
    return potentials;


Next you must create an adaptive question for each battery. Each battery needs its own question block. Create each battery’s question block by following the instructions in Section \(\ref{adaptive_question_section}\) up until pasting the JavaScript code. The JavaScript is the only thing that changes when using multiple adaptive batteries in the same survey. We will return to the JavaScript later on. For now, leave the JavaScript as given.

Next, set up the embedded data objects. Each battery needs its own embedded data objects. For simplicity, we recommend appending the names of the embedded data objects with a unique identifier for the battery. For example, we create next_itemAGREE, last_itemAGREE, and last_answerAGREE for the agreeableness battery and next_itemNEURO, last_itemNEURO, and last_answerNEURO for the neuroticism battery. Note the key value for all of these fields remains -1. We follow a similar naming pattern for the Cat object embedded data, naming the fields catObjAGREE and catObjNEURO. The key values for these embedded data objects are their respective JSON formatted Cat objects.

setLengthThreshold(agree_cat) <- 4
setLengthThreshold(neuro_cat) <- 4

Now that we’ve created the hidden and embedded data, we can return to the issue of editing the JavaScript for each adaptive battery’s question block. A section of the script you will need to edit is shown in the following JavaScript. The full script is available here. It is not important to understand what this script is doing—you only need to know how to edit it. Notice how BATTERY is appended to last_item, last_answer, and catObj in the following JavaScript. BATTERY is a placeholder for the unique identifier of your battery that you used when creating the hidden data in the custom header and the embedded data.

    var domain = "https://catsurv.com";
    var url = domain + "/ocpu/library/catSurv/R/processAJAX";

    var last_item = +Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData('last_itemBATTERY');
    var last_answer = +Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData('last_answerBATTERY');
    var payload = "\""
    + Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData("catObjBATTERY").replace(/"/g,
    '\\"') + "\"";

The BATTERY placeholder appears many times throughout the script. We recommend using “find and replace” tools in a text editor to replace the placeholder text with your battery’s unique identifier. The following JavaScript shows how the script should appear after editing it for the agreeableness adaptive inventory. After editing the JavaScript, paste it into the appropriate JavaScript editor as explained in Section \(\ref{adaptive_question_section}\). Repeat this process for each adaptive battery—edit the JavaScript by replacing the BATTERY placeholder with your battery’s unique identifier and add the JavaScript to the battery’s question block.

    var domain = "https://catsurv.com";
    var url = domain + "/ocpu/library/catSurv/R/processAJAX";

    var last_item = +Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData('last_itemAGREE');
    var last_answer = +Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData('last_answerAGREE');
    var payload = "\"" 
    + Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData("catObjAGREE").replace(/"/g,
    '\\"') + "\"";

After testing or fielding your survey, the readQualtrics() function in the catSurv package can again be used to clean the response profiles to each adaptive battery. We demonstrate this process using example data available in the catSurv package. First, read the raw data into the R environment. Now there will be a column of embedded data Cat objects for each adaptive battery, and the names of those columns will correspond with the unique identifier you gave to the Cat embedded data object. Here the catObjAGREE and catObjNEURO columns hold the respondent’s answers to each adaptive inventory.

# load example data

# columns now match battery unique identifier
## [1] "catObjAGREE" "catObjNEURO"
# agreeableness Cat embedded data objects
cat_vect_agree <- ex_qualtrics_results_multiple$catObjAGREE[-c(1,2)]

# neuroticism Cat embedded data objects
cat_vect_neuro <- ex_qualtrics_results_multiple$catObjNEURO[-c(1,2)]

# vector of respondent identifiers
ids <- ex_qualtrics_results_multiple$ResponseId[-c(1,2)]

As outlined in Section \(\ref{retrieving_data_section}\), we can then separately clean the adaptive batteries using the readQualtrics() function and estimate the respondent’s positions on the latent traits using the estimateThetas() function.

clean_df_agree <- readQualtrics(catObj = cat_vect_agree, responseID = ids)
clean_df_neuro <- readQualtrics(catObj = cat_vect_neuro, responseID = ids)

# estimate respondents' positions
estimateThetas(catObj = agree_cat, responses = clean_df_agree)
## [1] -0.5143049  1.3438497 -1.7000434  0.1345768
estimateThetas(catObj = neuro_cat, responses = clean_df_neuro)
## [1]  1.0232555 -2.1631739  0.3474408  0.8584988

3 Technical note

For obvious reasons, the item selection routines in catSurv need to be fast. Given the value of survey time, it is unacceptable for users to have to wait for even three or four seconds for the next item to be chosen. Moreover, the routines for item selection are often highly iterative. While R is a very useful programming environment for many things, completing iterative calculation at speed is not one of them. Therefore, the true guts of catSurv are written in C++ and integrated into R using Rcpp (Eddelbuettel et al. 2011). We achieved further speedups by parallelizing some functions with RcppParallel (Allaire et al. 2019) and using the very efficient numerical integration routines in the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) via RcppGSL (Eddelbuettel and Francois 2019). The result is an implementation of CAT that executes in less than one one-hundredth of a second for even the most computationally expensive routines.

For most users, these technical details are irrelevant as they can install the compiled packages from the Comprehensive R Archiving Network (CRAN) simply using the install.packages() function. However, for users who need to compile R packages on their own machines (e.g., users with Ubuntu operating systems) some additional steps are required to ensure that C++ and GSL are installed and configured as R expects. We recommend starting with this vignette: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RcppGSL/vignettes/RcppGSL-intro.pdf. However, additional steps may be necessary depending on how your machine is configured.

4 References

Allaire, JJ, Romain Francois, Kevin Ushey, Gregory Vandenbrouck, Marcus Geelnard, and Intel. 2019. RcppParallel: Parallel Programming Tools for ’Rcpp’. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RcppParallel.
Eddelbuettel, Dirk, and Romain Francois. 2019. RcppGSL: ’Rcpp’ Integration for ’GNU GSL’ Vectors and Matrices. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RcppGSL.
Eddelbuettel, Dirk, Romain François, J Allaire, Kevin Ushey, Qiang Kou, N Russel, John Chambers, and D Bates. 2011. “Rcpp: Seamless r and c++ Integration.” Journal of Statistical Software 40 (8): 1–18.